(979) 257-3610

Seamless service for your community

We can seamlessly transistion your community for curbside trash and recycling services. TWS provides new containers for all customers. Using the latest technology and equipment you can rest assured that TWS will provide you with best in class service.

Proven Track Record

TWS proudly serves thousands of households under municipal contracts in communities across south Texas, with a proven track record of best in class service.

Many municipalities rely on TWS to provideĀ  cost-effective and reliable curbside waste collection services, including:

  • Household garbage
  • Recyclables
  • Yard waste
  • Bulk items and white goods

TWS is backed by the highest quality resources, including cutting edge equipment, professional staff, and decades of waste industry experience, to provide efficient, dependable onsite solid waste services.

More Information

Employment Opportunities
Mergers & Acquistions
Service Terms & Conditions
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Contact Us

Local: 979.257.3610
Email: office@trustwastetx.com

Physical: 4055 CR 459 Wharton, TX 77488
Mailing: PO Box 62 El Campo, TX 77437